5 hardware pos needs to improve business profitability

5 hardware pos needs to improve business profitability

  • Posted on Jan. 07, 2019
  • Admin
Pos delivery System

POS software undoubtedly is a smart solution for every aspect of managing the business. Though for a better, faster and easy performance, it is crucial to deploy some hardware in action to reap the full benefits of any POS software such as Oversee best pos software in Dubai. Let’s take a look at some of the essential hardware for pos and its function in details.

Touch POS system :

Oversee top pos software in Dubai brings you the convenience in billing process. Touch POS system has multilingual features which allows employees to print bills and invoices in any regional language. Oversee pos software’s easy user friendly allows employees to search items faster, while touch pos system’s bigger screen makes it even more easier by displaying thumbnails bigger. Its sleek and weightless design makes handling easy and at the same time the superior quality product withstands any harsh handling or unfavorable environment.

POS receipt printer :

POS receipt printer is built to serve many customers with details of purchase information, upcoming offers and promotions, tax details and other miscellaneous details. Thermal printing technology uses heat to print characters on thermo chrome coated paper eventually increasing the printing speed. The printers we provide are compatible with any existing POS system and can work on various platforms like android, apple and Microsoft.

Delivery sale:

For an efficient delivery, it is important for POS software to make a note of customers detail and must be aware of the deliver person’s detail for future reference, if needed. Capability to record delivery sale in a separate tab is crucial for a business to track down delivery sale from dine-in sale.

Barcode printer :

Large scale retail store/super market may find billing process and managing inventories difficult without proper tool. Barcode helps to resolve these issues with simple solution. It prints the barcode containing unique pattern of strips and lines with slightly various width and then assigns that barcode to specific product and items. Whenever you scan the barcode using barcode scanner, pos software automatically fetches the details of product and will proceed further.

Barcode scanner :

Barcode scanner, as said before, will scan the item and display details of product in pos software to proceed further. It emits laser light which falls on a barcode and gets reflected back to the photodiode diode present in the bar code scanner. These optical impulses then transferred to computer as electrical signal to proceed further billing process. Oversee best POS software provides various types of scanners such as pen-type scanner, laser scanner, CCD readers, camera based readers, Omni directional barcode scanner and can be connected via USB, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

Cash drawers :

For security purpose, it is must to have cash drawer which provides security to some extent. We provide cash drawer with lock and set of keys to eliminate the risk of theft and unnecessary behaviour by unauthorised person. Its design and structure allows employees to organise cash and currencies in separate compartments. It can be connected to work with oversee pos software and hardware via USB cable.

Contact our OverseePOS team to know more about POS software.